
Podiatry is a branch of medical science that aims to study the deformities and alterations that affect the foot.

Podology specialty

At the DR. PHYSIO clinic, through chiropodia, some differente manual techniques are used to solve the negative alterations that our feet acquire over time. This involves cutting and milling the nails and eliminating various keratopathies (hardness) that our foot may present both in the toes and the sole of the foot. Even when our foot does not suffer any pain, it is advisable to go to a podiatrist to have our feet checked so that the specialist may diagnose possible conditions before they develop painful symptoms.All treatments are carried out under the maximum guarantee of sterilization provided by the podiatry consultations after meticulous sanitary controls. Undoubtedly they are an excellent way to maintain our feet in a state of good health necessary for their perfect functioning.
Treatments of podology of Clinic DR.PHYSIO:

  • Chiropodology: treats lesions and deformities of the skin and nails.
  • Dematological care: fungal infections – athlete’s foot – or ingrown toenail.
  • Personalized insoles and Biomechanics of human walking
  • Orthopodology: Treats foot injuries and imbalances using splints, silicones

When do I need insoles?

  • Pain in the feet, ankles, knee, hips or back.
  • My feet hurt when I walk or run.
  • I am an active person and my injuries are recurrent.
  • I have little or no bridge in my foot.
  • My knees are too close together or apart.
  • When I walk, my feet don’t go straight.
  • I wear out my shoes a lot or irregularly.
  • I have diabetes or vascular diseases that predispose me to ulcers.

At the DR.PHYSIO clinic, we offer personalized insoles and correctors with quality and guarantee.

Why customised insole?

Because not everyone treads the same way and even sometimes the two feet behave in the same way, with the possibility of needing different and opposite effects on each of the feet. Healthy feet that help to keep our body ergonomically shaped allow lower muscle energy expenditure in the workplace, as well as a better overall performance.




Other specialties



Pilates / Aerial yoga

Physio aesthetics

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Paseo de las Delicias, nº 73
28045 Madrid - España

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